Beef Franks Nutrition Facts Oscar Mayer

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OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks)

Food nutritional details

Nitrogen to Protein Conversion Factor: 6.25

Nutrition Facts
Nutrients Amount
% DV *
Energy, kilojoules kJ
Calories Cal
Protein g
Fat total g
- Saturated g
- Cholesterol mg
Carbs total g
- Sugars g
Dietary Fiber g
Magnesium, Mg mg
Iron, Fe mg
* Daily Value (DV) Percentage - recommended intakes of nutrients for adults and children four or more years of age

Graph of four nutrients

Nutritional percentage graph

Multi-units converter for converting measuring units of this product amounts or exchange numbers separately with unit to unit converters.

Complete nutrient break down detailed table for item: 07241 - OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks).

Nutrient name Amount
%DV *
⊕ Ash g
⊕ Carbohydrate, by difference g
⊕ Energy, food calories Cal
⊕ Energy, kilojoules kJ
⊕ Fiber, dietary total g
⊕ Protein g
⊕ Starch (or amylum) g
⊕ Sugars, total g
⊕ Total lipid (fat) g
⊕ Water g
Major Minerals
⊕ Calcium, Ca mg
⊕ Magnesium, Mg mg
⊕ Phosphorus, P mg
⊕ Potassium, K mg
⊕ Sodium, Na mg
Trace Minerals
⊕ Copper, Cu mg
⊕ Iron, Fe mg
⊕ Manganese, Mn mg
⊕ Selenium, Se µg
⊕ Zinc, Zn mg
Water Soluble Vitamins
⊕ Folate, dietary folate equivalent (DFE) µg
⊕ Folate, found in food µg
⊕ Folate, total µg
⊕ Folic acid µg
⊕ Niacin, also called vitamin B3, nicotinic acid mg
⊕ Pantothenic acid, known as pantothenate or vitamin B5 mg
⊕ Riboflavin, also called vitamin B2 mg
⊕ Thiamine (vitamin B1) mg
⊕ Vitamin B-12, also called cobalamin µg
⊕ Vitamin B6 mg
⊕ Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg
Fat Soluble Vitamins
⊕ Carotene, alpha (α-carotene) µg
⊕ Carotene, beta (β-carotene) µg
⊕ Cryptoxanthin, beta (β-cryptoxanthin) µg
⊕ Lutein + zeaxanthin (important nutrients) µg
⊕ Lycopene µg
⊕ Retinol µg
⊕ Vitamin A, IU IU
⊕ Vitamin A, RAE µg
⊕ Vitamin D IU
⊕ Vitamin D (D2 + D3) µg
Lipids (plus Fatty Acids)
⊕ 12:0 dodecanoic, lauric fatty acid g
⊕ 14:0 tetradecanoic, myristic, common saturated fatty acid g
⊕ 14:1 tetradecenoic, myristoleic omega-5 fatty acid g
⊕ 15:0 pentadecanoic fatty acid g
⊕ 16:0 hexadecanoic, palmitic fatty acid g
⊕ 17:0 heptadecanoic, margaric fatty acid g
⊕ 18:0 octadecanoic, stearic fatty acid g
⊕ 18:2 undifferentiated, octadecadienoic, linoleic g
⊕ 18:3 undifferentiated, octadecatrienoic, linolenic g
⊕ 20:1 eicosenoic, gadoleic g
⊕ Cholesterol mg
⊕ Fatty acids, total monounsaturated g
⊕ Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated (PUFAs) g
⊕ Fatty acids, total saturated g
⊕ Alcohol, ethyl, EtOH or Et, pure, 2-carbon g
⊕ Caffeine mg
⊕ Theobromine (formerly Xantheose) mg

⊕ - extra details about the nutrient.

* Daily Value (DV) - The daily value, is a guide for percentage of a nutrient, that is obtained from a serving of the food, most often based on a 2000 calorie diet. This information represents recommended dietary intakes of nutrients for adults and children from four (4) years and above and suggests the levels of intake of essential nutrients that sufficiently meet the nutritional requirements of healthy individuals. It is also referred to as RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) or nutritional RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) or in some cases only as AI (Adequate Intake) average.

Calories chart and nutrition facts knowledge label - information according the product's unit-quantity variations ...

Break down to a single nutrient element

The detailed table of nutrients composition above for OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks) is broken down into macro-nutrients (dietary elements) and micro-nutrients, which are source of nourishment essential for human body growth and maintenance. All nutrient's and non-nutrients (e.i. fiber, water) values are measured in following units and their symbols:

  • grams - g
  • milligrams - mg
  • micrograms - µg or mcg or ug
  • International Unit - IU (volume or mass measurements for substance amounts)
  • kilocalorie or calorie - kcal or Cal (dietary or nutritionist's calorie or kilo-calorie, energy unit, in nutrition science this large Cal and kcal are equal in numbers or quantity sense)
  • kilojoules - kJ (energy from food intake)

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